Create Reward

Create a reward for a specific CFX Identity.

Rewards are issued to a recipient through their phone number. Consequently Rewards can be issued to a recipient Identity prior to them registering within the CFX Network, which allows the creation of a Reward prior to recipient registration.

Rewards are managed within the CFX Platform as a ledger mechanism aligning with double entry account priciples. The issuance of a Reward to a recipient Identity results two matching entries:

  • A CREDIT entry of the amount against the recipient Identity account
  • A DEBIT entry of the amount against the reward issuer

The ledger allows the system to flexibily manage the growing Reward assets and liabilities for recipients and our CFX partners.

When creating a reward the body must contain:

  • The phone of the recipient.
  • An idempotencyKey for the request, which is used to filter out duplicate reward issuances. Each invocation of the Create Reward endpoint should nominate a unique idempotency key.
  • A category for the reward, which is a free text field used to support client reporting and reconciliation.
  • A transactionType which indicates whether this is a CREDIT (add to reward balance) or DEBIT (reduce reward balance). Typically these will be CREDIT transactions.
  • A free text note to be associated with the Reward instance.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!