Create or update a product fee configuration

A customer can configure additional fees to be charged during product transactions.
These fees will be sent to the customer's fee wallet.

These fees are separate from fees charged by CFX and the downstream providers.

If the configuration already exists, this operation completely replaces with the newly provided configurations. See the configuration guide for an introduction on how to use rules.

Currently supported fields for the matcher are:

  • countryCode: 2-letter ISO country code, e.g. US, MX
  • sourceCurrency: The currency code, e.g. MOVEUSD, USDC, USD, etc.
  • targetCurrency: The currency code, e.g. MOVEUSD, USDC, USD, etc.
  • sourceAmount: The amount in sourceCurrency denomination
    • Optional: some products may not have knowledge of the amount upfront
  • cashDepositRetailerId: The retailer ID where a cash deposit is taking place
    • Only applicable to deposit.us_cash.* products

The fee currency depends on the product where it is being applied. The rule of thumb is:

  • Deposit products: the fee currency is the same as the target currency.
  • Withdrawal products: the fee currency is the same as the source currency.
  • Swap product: the fee currency is the same as the source currency.

Understanding which fee currency is being used is important, especially when configuring FIXED-type fees. Please reach out to support if you have any doubts.

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